We are almost at the end of another year. How have the last 12 months been for you?
Here in the Algarve, it has felt as though 2021 has had its upbeat moments as well as some low ones too. We have been optimistic that things will return to some sort of normality thanks to the high numbers of vaccinations taking place against COVID, but this has also led to disbelief that restrictions have come back, albeit temporarily, for Christmas and the New Year.
However, at Triennial Properties we don’t like to let a global pandemic get in our way. 2021 saw us take the bull by the horns and grow our team. We welcomed Stu to head up our listing team and Louise to take care of all things going on behind the scenes. We designed and created a whole new website that is super user friendly, packed full of useful information, has a downloadable buying and selling guide, as well as showcasing all our fabulous properties for sale. We have been lucky enough to forge new business partnerships as well as build on existing ones, and, of course, we kept matching buyers to their ideal properties here in the Algarve – in fact 2021 proved to be one of our best years to date!
It has been fantastic to see so many clients put their faith and trust in Portugal to be their home, be where they want to spend the winter or be the summer holiday getaway that so many of us need right now. Even now, when travel is no longer quite as easy as it used to be and there is still uncertainty in the air concerning restrictions, people still love the country and want to be here. With this confidence in mind, we are optimistic, positive and upbeat for the next 12 months. We outdid ourselves in 2021 and we can’t wait to better that in 2022.
We already have plans to add new features to the website, open a new office and expand the team once more - and that is just the start. We are dedicated to standing out from the rest, improving ourselves and what we can offer our clients on a daily basis and, we are looking forward to 2022 with all the excitement, adventures and possibly the little bit of stress that it will bring.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and trust during another rocky year throughout the world! We promise to be there for you throughout 2022 and we would like to wish you all a successful, happy and most importantly healthy new year.
Best wishes,
Marina, Nicola, Clare, Stu and Louise
See you all in 2022