Not all emergencies are life-threatening, but whenever one arises it's important to know whom to contact, where to go and what to say
Hopefully, most of us will never encounter a situation when we need the assistance of the emergency services, but if we do rest assured in the knowledge that Portugal is really well equipped to deal with a whole range of emergencies and in many cases has some of the best trained and equipped response services in Europe. Below are all the important numbers you need to know.
In any kind of life-threatening situation or emergency call the emergency number 112. Calls to 112 are free from any phone.
When calling emergency services, try to stay calm and speak clearly. Many operators will speak English but are unlikely to be native speakers. Answer their questions and follow their advice. Do not hang up until they say so and try to keep your phone line free until the emergency services reach you. The operator may need to contact you for further information.
What to do in the event of a road or traffic accident in Portugal depends on its severity. In a minor accident with no injuries, both parties should exchange details and fill out an accident report, which you then submit to your insurance company. If there is a disagreement over what happened, don’t sign any documentation at the scene. In the event of a more serious accident, contact the emergency services immediately at 112.
If you encounter a fire in a car, home etc then call 112 to report it immediately. If you encounter a forest fire, call 117.
In a medical emergency, you can get help regardless of your insurance coverage or residence status. However, you must provide evidence to access further treatment once your condition is stable.
In a health emergency call 112, for non-emergency situations, visit your doctor or for general medical advice, you can call Saúde 24 (Health Line 24) on 0808 24 24 24.
The Portuguese Healthcare Service website provides a list of hospitals, doctors, as well as pharmacies in your area, access it by clicking here. For a map of Portuguese pharmacies, click here.
Not every emergency is life-threatening, however, when your power or water goes off it turns a beautiful day in the Algarve into a real pain. Here are some contact details if you find yourself without power or water.
- Water issues - Go to the Águas de Portugal website if you have water issues – here. If you have burst pipes then call them on 800 201 600, if you have a water cut then call 800 222 425.
- Electricity issues - EDP - Energias de Portugal – are the people to turn to if you have electrical issues. This is their website or you can call 800 506 506.
- Gas leaks/issues - Call your supplier – Galp Energia 800 508 112 or Medigás 808 201 150.
- Phone issues - For mobile phones, contact your network provider. For landlines, contact Portugal Telecom on 16 200 or go online here.
If you lose an item on public transport in Portugal, contact the relevant transport company or the Public Security Police (PSP) to report a loss or theft on 218 444 530.
If you lose a bank card, report it to the local police station. The police then provide a certificate (Auto de Denúncia de Furto) for the issuing bank. You should also report the lost or stolen card to SIBS (Sociedade Interbancária de Serviços) on 808 201 251 or 217 813 080.